Breast Cancer Symptoms

Breast cancer symptoms:in men, early, in black females,pain, in young women, after mastectomy, after menopause,age, and stages, after pregnancy, bruising, before diganosis, burning sensations, besides lump.

Breast cancer symptoms:in men, early, in black females,pain, in young women, after mastectomy, after menopause,age, and stages, after pregnancy, bruising, before diganosis, burning sensations, besides lump
Breast cancer symptoms:in men, early, in black females,pain, in young women, after mastectomy, after menopause,age, and stages, after pregnancy, bruising, before diganosis, burning sensations, besides lump.

A lump in the breast is one of the most common breast cancer symptoms. It is important to note that different types of breast cancer have different symptoms. Many women who have breast cancer will develop a lump, but not all of them will. As a result, it’s critical to be aware of the various signs and symptoms.

Different warning indicators are generally emitted by the body. Breast lumps are the most common type of lump and can pop up anywhere from your chest wall to your armpits. Symptoms can include bleeding at the nipple or discharge, as well as soreness. A flat or caved-in nipple may be present, as well as redness and/or swelling in either breast, or in one breast only.

It isn’t always the case that seeing changes in your breasts or experiencing some of these symptoms means you are suffering from breast cancer. In addition to visible indicators, there are many other elements that play a role in diagnosis.

The importance of early detection in breast cancer treatment options cannot be overstated. Consult your doctor if you are concerned about any changes in your breast. They can determine whether you need further evaluation based on your symptoms.

In men

There are an estimated 2,600 new cases of male breast cancer each year, making it extremely rare. Anyone who has breast tissue is at risk of developing breast cancer. Tumors are caused when cells of that tissue grow uncontrollably, just as they do in almost any other part of the body.

Despite the fact that men make up a small percentage of women with breast cancer (less than 1%), they’re much more likely to be diagnosed on the later side.

The cause of breast cancer in men, as well as in women, remains an enigma, but sex hormone levels in the body may play a part, just as they do when it comes to female breast cancer.

To fully understand the differences between female and male breast cancer, more research must be conducted. Even though they are frequently viewed the same, there are numerous disparities between men and women, including genetic variants. There may be a difference between breast cancer biology between men and women in this regard.

The breast tissue of men has a lot of ducts, but very few or no lobules, like that of women.

Despite the fact that males are usually inactive, a majority of breast cancer begins in milk glands or ducts. The incidence of breast tumours originating in other breast cells is less common.

In men with breast cancer, a lump can generally be felt in the breast. There may be a feeling of thickening of your skin. Usually, it doesn’t hurt.

Symptoms of breast cancer differ according to whether a lump is present or not. You may have noticed:

  • Dimpling or puckering of the skin
  • The orange skin is dotted with dimplings
  • There may be redness or scaling on your nipple or skin.
  • You have an inwardly turned nipple.
  • A discharge from the nipples

It is a sign of something wrong if you feel a lump or swelling under your arm or around your collarbone.


The following symptoms are more specific to invasive breast cancer:

  • Inflammation or itching of the breasts
  • Changes in breast color
  • A sudden change in the size or shape of the breasts (in a short period of time)
  • Feeling changes (may be hard, tender, warm)
  • It peels or flakes off from the nipple.
  • Thickened or lumpy breasts
  • An orange-like breast skin with reddened or pitted breast tissue

You should not overlook the possibility that these changes could have been caused by other, more benign diseases. Swollen lymph nodes could be caused by a breast infection or another, unrelated illness, for example. Likewise, changes in the texture of the skin on the breast could be caused by an eczema-like skin disorder. You can find out if a symptom you’ve noticed is something to be worried about when you see your doctor for an evaluation.

In black females

There have been studies that suggest that the number of new breast cancer cases in Black communities is less than in White communities, while others suggest that there is roughly an equal number of cases. All things considered; Black women’s mortality rates are much higher than those of White women.

CDC statistics show that between 2005 and 2009, Black women had a 41% higher death rate from breast cancer, and were more likely to have their cancer diagnosed at regional or distant stages (45 percent vs. 35 percent respectively).

From breast cancer screening to abnormal finding follow-up to treatment initiation and completion, the complex breast cancer care pathway impacts Black communities in different ways. Disparities in the income of races are exacerbated by racial income differences, resulting in aggravating diagnoses and treatments.

A few studies have examined racial disparities in breast cancer detection and treatment, but these studies tend to focus on delays in the system, suggesting that Black areas are experiencing delays in breast cancer detection and treatment.

Black women are unable to receive timely health care because of flaws within the United States healthcare system, including a lack of health insurance and healthcare bias. The likelihood of black women identifying breast cancer after it has progressed to a palpable lump (a sign of more advanced disease) increases with age.

A delay of more than two months in initiation of cancer treatment is associated with a lower chance of survival. Among the many reasons, access to care is limited and there are biological disparities in breast tissue (black women’s breasts are typically thick, causing abnormal findings on mammograms to be harder to detect).

Current debates seek to explain why Black women are more susceptible to breast cancer than their white counterparts. Currently, study results can be hard to come by, and researchers are still struggling to carry out universal research that would provide precise answers to the medical community. Black women with breast cancer have, however, seen their survival rates improve due to advancements in screening and treatment in the United States.


It is extremely common to experience chest pain, which is almost never caused by cancer. It is possible to experience temporary soreness in either or both breasts, but this only lasts a short time. If you undergo numerous tests, you may still be experiencing pain for no apparent reason.

If you’re experiencing breast pain, make an appointment with your doctor. The doctor can provide you with guidance on how to handle the discomfort and whether or not tests are necessary.

In young women

The breast cancer rate among women under the age of 40 is 5%, yet this cohort may believe that they are immune to the disease. It can be challenging to diagnose breast cancer due to the density of breast tissue. Fertility can also be affected by treatment.

The likelihood of younger women believing they are at risk for breast cancer is lower. Women under 40 are more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer than women over 40: 5% of cases occur in women who are younger than 40. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to identifying a woman’s breast cancer risk factors. Risk factors are conditions or actions that increase someone’s chances of contracting a disease.

A woman’s risk of acquiring breast cancer is increased by a number of variables, including:

  • If you have had a high-risk lesion or have had a personal history of breast cancer
  • Family history of breast cancer, particularly in young women
  • They have a family history of a genetic abnormality that puts them at a higher risk for breast cancer.
  • In the past, radiation therapy was used to treat chest cancer
  • There is a recognized mutation that puts you at a higher risk of developing breast cancer.
  • A significant percentage of Ashkenazi Jews (one in every 40) carries mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2.

Women under 40 years of age are more likely to develop breast cancer, since their breast tissue is often denser than that of older women. They also are not suggested to undergo frequent screenings.

Breast cancer in younger women has been reported to be more aggressive and refractory to treatment.

Having a genetic mutation that predisposes a woman to breast cancer can increase the risk of contracting the disease. Younger women are more likely to have a mutation that increases their breast cancer risk.

Breast cancer symptoms such as breast lumps and atypical discharge may be ignored by younger women with breast cancer since they assume they cannot get breast cancer. Diagnosis can be delayed as well as results can be worse.

Young women with breast lumps may be told to wait and see if they develop them, as some healthcare practitioners may dismiss such symptoms. The treatment for breast cancer can present additional obstacles for younger women, such as problems regarding sexuality, fertility, or pregnancy.

A genetic counseling referral may be appropriate for women who have a family history of breast cancer that indicates a hereditary risk. A more tailored discussion of screening and preventative treatment options can be conducted when such genetic disorders are identified. Those carrying the BRCA mutation, for example, must be screened beginning at age 25.

Women under the age of 40 are generally not recommended to have mammograms. Breast cancer screening begins at 25 for women with genetic mutations and usually begins 10 years before the first affected relative in the family receives their diagnosis for those with a family history of breast cancer. For high-risk women, breast MRI is frequently recommended in addition to mammography.

After mastectomy 

It is inevitable that there will be complications or problems following an operation. Despite the fact that most issues are minor, some may be significant. As soon as possible should be taken to treat them.

In the event that you have any problems when you are at home, the nurse will provide you with names and numbers to call.

Blood Clots

After surgery, there is a chance that you will develop blood clots in your legs. Blood clots in your lungs can also cause your symptoms.

In order to avoid blood clots, your nurses will get you up as soon as possible following your operation. Walking around or doing leg exercises is what they recommend you do.

During and after your procedure, you will wear special stockings (called antiembolism stockings or TEDS). A period of time may be necessary for you to receive injections to thin your blood after surgery.

Feeling tired or weak

Almost everyone feels weak and powerless after some time. Depending on the person, this can last for a short time or a long time.

A doctor or nurse should be consulted if the weakness persists for more than a few weeks. There are things they can recommend, such as physiotherapy, which can help.

Bleeding from the wound

In most cases, you will have a small amount of blood on the wound dressing following surgery. In the weeks following the operation, your nurse will regularly examine your dressing. Keep in touch with your doctor or nurse as soon as you notice bleeding.

Wound Infection

You should notify your doctor or nurse if your wound exhibits any of these symptoms.

  • Appears bloated or red
  • It’s heated and painful, and it’s leaking fluid (discharge)
  • Infection symptoms such as these are present. Additionally, you may have a fever and feel unwell.

If you have an illness, you will be prescribed antibiotics. It is possible that you would need to remain in the hospital or stay longer if you required antibiotics via a drip.

Blood collecting around the operation site

It is possible for blood to collect around the wound from time to time. An area affected by this can experience swelling and discomfort, as well as a hard feeling.

Hematomas usually disappear on their own after a few months, but it may take longer for some people. The swelling can be drained, if necessary, by your doctor or nurse.

You should contact your doctor or nurse if you have swelling around the area.

Nerve pain

Numbness, tingling, or sharp pain may be experienced in your armpits, upper arms, shoulders, or chest wall. Nerve damage sustained during surgery is the cause of this. Nerves will usually heal on their own, but it can take several weeks or even months for the process to be completed.

Medical professionals can prescribe medications to help you manage nerve pain.

Shoulder stiffness

Shoulder pain and stiffness may occur following breast surgery or lymph node removal.

You will be shown exercises to help improve shoulder movement after your operation by a nurse or physiotherapist.

A swollen arm or hand

During and after surgery, you may experience some minor swelling in your arm or hand. Within a few days of your surgery, this should subside.

Contact your doctor or nurse as soon as possible if your arm or hand remains swollen or you feel discomfort or tenderness.

Lymphoedema (long-term swelling of the arm and hand) can result from surgically removing lymph glands. Edema caused by lymph fluid that cannot drain is known as lymphhocytic edema. During and after surgery, it is possible for it to occur.

With early treatment, lymphoedema can be managed, but it cannot be cured. If you are suffering from lymphedema, your nurse will discuss prevention measures with you.

After menopause

A lot of women of a certain age have experienced both menopause and cancer at some point in their lives. Suddenly, you get the news that you have breast cancer just as you’re getting a handle on all of the wonderful consequences of “the change” – night sweats, sleep troubles, mood swings, brain fog. An already difficult situation has suddenly become even more challenging.

There are also other factors that can affect the timing. When breast cancer occurs after menopause, the process is significantly more difficult than when diagnosed before menopause. There can be a lot of transitions during this time, and you may deal with anything from a divorce to children moving out to age discrimination in the workplace.

A woman’s chances of developing breast cancer do not increase as she ages; rather, she becomes more senile. In the United States, women are diagnosed at 62 years old on average. The rate rises after 40, and the highest rates are among women over 70 years of age. Older women may be more susceptible to illnesses caused by weakened immune systems, but they are more likely to suffer from oestrogen-related illnesses made worse by cumulative oestrogen exposure. Approximately 80% of all breast cancers in women who have experienced menopause are caused by this hormone.

When breasts are exposed to oestrogen for an extended period of time, their likelihood of developing breast cancer increases.

Even though some forms of estrogen decline with menopause, your body continues to produce the hormone in older age, mostly through your fat cells and adrenal glands. Fat cells equal more estrogen, so weight gain increases the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer. The risk of breast cancer among overweight or obese women after menopause is 20 to 60 percent higher than among lean women.


Previously, 20s and 30s were thought to be the prime age for breast cancer. Only 5% of cases have been reported by this age group.

Female breast cancer is most often diagnosed in women between 65 and 74 years old. An average of 63 years old is the age at diagnosis.

Research published in 2021 indicates that breast cancer is the leading type of cancer among young adults aged 15 to 39, with 30 percent of all new cancer cases among this age group.


Breast cancer in stage 1 is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Swelling of the breast in its entirety or in a portion
  • The skin around the breast or on the breasts is red, scaling, flaking, or thickening
  • Breasts that have changed in size or form
  • When a nipple begins to turn inward or changes in appearance, it can be regarded as a nipple turning inward.
  • If you have breast milk discharge, it is not breast milk.
  • Breast discomfort
  • Pain in the nipples
  • A new breast lump has appeared.
  • In the armpit, there’s a bulge.

Breast cancer in stage 2 is characterized by the following symptoms:

Stage 2A: The tumor has a diameter less than 2 cm, or it has migrated into two to three nearby lymph nodes, or it has migrated into four to five lymph nodes but has not spread to any other nodes.

Stage 2B: The tumor is 2-5 cm in diameter, and it has spread to 1-3 axillary lymph nodes (armpits), or it is more than 5 cm in diameter but has not reached lymph nodes.

Breast cancer in stage 3 is characterized by the following symptoms:

The initial tumour can be any size and has progressed to 4–9 axillary lymph nodes or expanded the internal mammary lymph nodes.

Tumors are larger than 5 cm in diameter and have spread to 1–3 axillary lymph nodes or any breastbone nodes. Up to nine lymph nodes may or may not be affected by a tumour that has penetrated the chest wall or skin.

There must be 10 or more cancerous lymph nodes in the axilla, collarbone, or in the internal mammary nodes.

Breast cancer in stage 4 is characterized by the following symptoms:

Breast cancer with stage 4 may have any size tumor, and the cancer cells have spread to both local and distant lymph nodes, as well as distant organs.

Tests will help your doctor determine the stage of your breast cancer, influencing your treatment options.

After pregnancy 

After a woman gives birth, about half of all breast cancers in young women are thought to occur in the ten years following the birth of her previous child. Postpartum breast cancer is most likely to occur in women who are older when they are diagnosed, have a parity status, and have a nursing history.


An early symptom of inflammatory breast cancer is the discovery of the breast. You may see a part that looks red, pink, or purple. You may dismiss the discolouration as unimportant, as it resembles a bruise. The opposite is true when it comes to breast redness, which is a symptom of inflammatory cancer.

Before diagnosis 

Before being diagnosed, you notice these symptoms:

  • Even if you don’t feel a lump, the breast swells in its entirety or a portion of it.
  • It looks like orange peel sometimes when the skin is dimpling.
  • A painful breast or nipple.
  • A turn inward of the nipple
  • Breasts or nipples with red, flaky, peeling, or thicker skin.
  • A discharge from the nipples that is not breast milk

Burning sensations 

Cancerous changes in the epidermis can cause tenderness, pain, and discomfort in the breast. In spite of the fact that breast cancer is often painless, any symptoms that could point to it should not be ignored. Those who feel this pain may describe it as a burning sensation.


Bish, A., Ramirez, A., Burgess, C. and Hunter, M., 2005. Understanding why women delay in seeking help for breast cancer symptoms. Journal of psychosomatic research58(4), pp.321-326.

Sainsbury, J.R., Johnston, C. and Haward, B., 1999. Effect on survival of delays in referral of patients with breast-cancer symptoms: a retrospective analysis. The Lancet353(9159), pp.1132-1135.

Tasmuth, T., Von Smitten, K., Hietanen, P., Kataja, M. and Kalso, E., 1995. Pain and other symptoms after different treatment modalities of breast cancer. Annals of oncology6(5), pp.453-459.

Burgess, C., Hunter, M.S. and Ramirez, A.J., 2001. A qualitative study of delay among women reporting symptoms of breast cancer. British journal of general practice51(473), pp.967-971.Pinto, A.C. and De Azambuja, E., 2011. Improving quality of life after breast cancer: dealing with symptoms. Maturitas70(4), pp.343-348.

Read also: Breast Cancer Stages ; Stage 2 Breast Cancer; Stage Zero Breast Cancer-0; Stage 1 Breast Cancer; Stage 3 Breast Cancer; Risk factors of Breast Cancer; Why breast cancer happens

Other valuable resources: cdc-gov

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