Stage Zero Breast Cancer-0

Stage Zero breast cancer-0: survival rate, symptoms, treatment, prognosis..Your doctor informs you that you have stage 0 breast cancer, which leaves you with many questions. How does that affect you? Does it even mean that you have cancer?

Stage Zero breast cancer-0: survival rate, symptoms, treatment, prognosis
Stage Zero breast cancer-0: survival rate, symptoms, treatment, prognosis

Doctors aren’t sure, however. Breast cancer at this stage is considered by some experts to be the earliest stage. For others, it is merely a precancerous condition.

Several diseases are associated with uncontrolled cell division in the form of cancer. These cells have the ability to infiltrate neighboring tissues. Breast cancer in stage 0 is not invasive, however, it may become so later. Stage II cancer is less advanced than stage I cancer.

Breast cancer stage 0 is a condition in which you have atypical cells in the lining of your milk ducts, which is also known as ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Despite this, the cells have not migrated out of the duct and are not present in neighboring tissues, blood, or lymph nodes.

On the other hand, DCIS has the ability to spread. DCIS, on the other hand, is a noninvasive condition.

Stage 0 breast cancer is divided into two categories:

  • Nipple cancer is an uncommon type of noninvasive breast cancer that occurs in the nipple area.
  • Generally, when people talk about stage 0 breast cancer, they are referring to DCIS. Since the aberrant cells are still in your milk ducts, they have not damaged the fat tissues that make up the bulk of your breasts. The cause is unknown, and most people do not experience symptoms, even if they notice a lump or red discharge in their nipples. These aberrant cells have the potential to become invasive and spread. But it’s impossible to predict whether that will happen.

Your pathology report will provide a grade if you’ve been diagnosed with DCIS. Grade 3 has the highest chance of spreading, whereas grade 1 has the lowest chance. A test to see if your cancer cells have oestrogen receptors should also be performed. (This is referred to as ER-positive or ER+ by your doctor.) If they do, it means your cancer is likely to progress more slowly.

In the meanwhile, your doctor may advise that you undergo genetic testing. It can detect alterations in your DNA that may increase your risk of breast cancer.

All of these elements, as well as your own preference, will determine what occurs next. The majority of professionals agree that you should seek treatment. Even if stage 0 cancer is noninvasive, it could become so in the future. Most doctors would advise that it is preferable to be safe than than regretful.

Lobular Carcinoma in situ (LCIS)

Stage 0 breast cancer (LCIS) previously included lobular carcinoma in situ. LCIS is no longer classified as cancer, despite the fact that its name contains the word carcinoma. Atypical cells in your lobules cause LCIS, but they don’t spread beyond them.

LCIS is also known as “lobular neoplasia.” It does not always necessitate therapy. LCIS, on the other hand, can raise your risk of having invasive cancer in the future, therefore it’s crucial to get checked again.

Will it spread?

There is a small risk of LCIS spreading to other areas of the body. Although it is not a type of breast cancer, it does warrant careful and ongoing monitoring because it poses a risk for other types.

A doctor cannot predict which DCIS presentation will become more aggressive and widespread. In contrast, low-grade tumors may be less likely to become invasive and spread since they usually have well-defined borders and grow at a slower rate.

Survival rate 

According to the American Cancer Society, women with early-stage breast cancer that has not spread beyond the breast tissue have a survival rate of 99 percent after five years. The fact that 99 percent of women with stage 0 breast cancer live at least 5 years after diagnosis means that these women have a good chance of survival.


Most people with stage 0 breast cancer experience no symptoms, even though they may develop a lump in the breast or have a bloody discharge from their nipple.  


A case of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) refers to cancerous cells that have developed within the milk ducts of the breast but have not spread to the surrounding breast tissue.

An early-stage breast cancer called DCIS is non-invasive or pre-invasive. Despite the fact that DCIS cannot spread beyond the breast, it is frequently treated nonetheless because if left untreated, certain DCIS cells can undergo malignant changes that can develop into invasive breast cancer (which can spread).

When a woman with DCIS is offered the choice between breast-conserving surgery (BCS) or a mastectomy, breast-conserving surgery is usually the more appropriate treatment. In cases of DCIS that have spread to both breasts, a mastectomy should be considered as the best treatment option. We are conducting clinical trials to investigate whether women can opt for observation rather than surgery.

An analysis of 2017 studies showed that the conventional therapy for stage 0 breast cancer was mastectomy or the removal of the breast. In today’s society, however, it may not always be necessary.

Consider these reasons for undergoing a mastectomy:

More than one area of your breast is affected by DCIS.

Radiation therapy is not an option, as the area is ridiculously large in comparison to your breast size, and a lumpectomy with radiation therapy would be more appealing than a mastectomy.

When compared to a mastectomy, which removes the entire breast, a lumpectomy simply removes the DCIS and a small margin surrounding it. Surgically removing a large portion of the breast is another definition of a lumpectomy. If your breasts are preserved in the majority, you may not need reconstruction surgery.

As a last resort, a simple mastectomy (removal of the whole breast) may be required if the DCIS is particularly large, the region is multicentric, or if BCS cannot entirely eliminate the DCIS (i.e., the BCS specimen and re-excision specimen still have cancer cells). Many surgeons will perform an SLNB along with a mastectomy if a mastectomy is required for one of the reasons listed above. This will increase the chance of detecting cancer beyond the mastectomy site.

High-energy beams are used in radiation therapy to kill any abnormal cells that may have remained after surgery. Following a lumpectomy or mastectomy, radiation therapy for stage 0 breast cancer may be used. For several weeks, treatments are administered five days a week.

Hormone therapy can be utilised to reduce the odds of developing invasive breast cancer later if the DCIS is hormone receptor-positive (HR+).

Because each case is unique, speak with your doctor about the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment option.

An effective technique for shrinking tumors and killing cancer cells is chemotherapy. Systemic treatment is rarely needed for stage 0 breast cancer since it is benign.

Hormone therapy after breast surgery

The use of tamoxifen or an aromatase inhibitor for 5 years after surgical removal of the DCIS, if it is hormone receptor-positive (estrogen or progesterone), may reduce the chance of new DCIS or invasive cancer developing in either breast. A hormone therapy discussion with your doctor can help you determine the benefits and drawbacks of hormone therapy if you have hormone receptor-positive DCIS.


Despite the fear associated with a stage 0 breast cancer diagnosis, the 5-year survival rate is very high. It is imperative to seek treatment as soon as possible, especially if there is a chance that cancer may recur or spread. For some, however, treatment may not be necessary.

Those who are uncertain about the need for therapy for their breast cancer presentation should speak to a trusted clinician. If they are still uncertain, it may be a good idea to get a second opinion.

Takeaway: Stage Zero Breast Cancer-0

The presence of stage 0 breast cancer should not be ignored, even though it is benign. The optimal course of action for a woman who suspects she has a lump in her breast is to consult with her doctor.  You will then be assisted in diagnosing your condition and undergoing treatment.

Read also: Breast Cancer Stages; Breast Cancer Symptoms; Stage 2 Breast Cancer; Stage 1 Breast Cancer; Stage 3 Breast Cancer

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