Breast Cancer Stages

Breast cancer stages: symptoms, and treatment, and grades, survival rate, 1-4, prognosis, and types, by tumor size, chemotherapy, define, duration, emotional stages, hormonal.

Breast cancer stages: symptoms, and treatment, and grades, survival rate, 1-4, prognosis, and types, by tumor size, chemotherapy, define, duration, emotional stages, hormonal
Breast cancer stages: symptoms, and treatment, and grades, survival rate, 1-4, prognosis, and types, by tumor size, chemotherapy, define, duration, emotional stages, hormonal

The pathology report you receive will help you determine the stage of your breast cancer, which will determine if the cancer is localized within the breast or whether it has spread anywhere within it or elsewhere in the body. The doctor will examine one or more underarm lymph nodes during surgery to remove the cancer, since this is the area where breast cancer usually spreads first. A physician may order additional blood tests or imaging tests if there is reason to believe the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.

According to the American Cancer Society, the stage of cancer is determined by the T, N, and M classifications, tumor grade, and ER/PR and HER2 tests. Your prognosis is based on this information. This simplified system provides an explanation of the stages of breast cancer using the T, N, and M classifications. As detailed in the following sections, this is the method for describing the steps.


The most common symptom of breast cancer is the development of a mass or lump in the breast. As well as these symptoms, there are several more that indicate breast cancer:

  • There may be a lump or thickening in your breast that feels different from the rest
  • Inversion of the nipple (a departure from previous appearance)
  • The presence of redness or a nipple discharge (especially one that is bloody)
  • Pain in the breasts or nipples
  • A portion of the breast swells
  • Inflammation
  • Breast skin changes 
  • Dimpling of the skin (peau d’orange)
  • Changes in lymph nodes


There are many treatment options available for patients with breast cancer. A person’s cancer treatment will depend on the type and stage of their illness. You should consult your health care practitioner for an overview of the current standard of care since treatment options change frequently. The physician discusses treatment alternatives with the assistance of the medical team. On this page you can find a list of the basic therapy techniques for the treatment of breast cancer.


Many women who have breast cancer will need to undergo surgery. The two most common treatment options for breast cancer are breast-conserving surgery and mastectomy.

Breast conserving surgery

During a partial mastectomy, only part of the breast is removed (sometimes called a partial mastectomy). Depending on the size and location of the tumor, the extent of the surgery will vary.

When a lumpectomy is performed, the breast lump and some adjoining tissues are removed. A physician examines the surrounding tissue for cancer cells (surgeons’ margins). A doctor refers to this as “negative” or “clean margins” if no cancer cells were detected. Patients who undergo lumpectomies are often treated with radiation therapy afterward.


At the time of a mastectomy (also known as a straight mastectomy), all the breast tissue is removed. In cases requiring immediate reconstruction, surgeons may perform skin-sparing mastectomy. In this procedure, the physicians remove all the breast tissue, but the surrounding tissue remains intact. During a nipple-saving mastectomy, the breast skin is preserved along with the areola and nipple.

Radical Mastectomy

At the time of this procedure, the surgeon also removes axillary lymph nodes, as well as the muscle that lines the chest wall. Compared with previous years, this procedure is rarely performed since a modified radical mastectomy is usually equally effective.

Modified radical mastectomy

This procedure also involves the removal of axillary lymph nodes in addition to breast tissue. Depending on the stage of cancer, a healthcare team may recommend either a lumpectomy or a mastectomy. Even though the breast can be spared with a lumpectomy, a post-operative radiation therapy is usually required. Long-term follow-up has shown that a mastectomy has no advantage over a lumpectomy when a lumpectomy is recommended.

Preventive surgery

During this procedure, lymph nodes at the axilla are removed in addition to breast tissue. Depending on the stage of the cancer, a healthcare provider might prescribe a lumpectomy or mastectomy. The breast can be saved after a lumpectomy if it is treated with radiation therapy following the operation. In the long-term follow-up of women who undergo a lumpectomy, there is no difference between mastectomy and a lumpectomy.

Radiation therapy

The use of high-energy beams to kill cancer cells is known as radiation therapy. Two methods are available for delivering radiation therapy.

External beam radiation

Radiation therapy for breast cancer is typically delivered in this way by health care practitioners. Radiation beams from external equipment are concentrated on the damaged area. An expert health care team will determine how much treatment is needed based on the type of surgery performed and whether or not lymph nodes were damaged.

Radiation teams usually designate local regions for the treatment once they have chosen the exact position for the treatment. The patient usually receives treatment five days per week for five to six weeks.


This type of radiation delivery uses seeds or pellets containing radioactive materials. By inserting the seeds into the breast near the tumor, these seeds provide radiation rather than using a beam from outside.

Hormone therapy

When used in conjunction with other treatments, this medication can reduce the risk of a cancer recurrence following surgery. It can also help to minimize the risk of cancer recurrence following surgery.

Several types of breast cancer are influenced by estrogen (a hormone produced by the ovaries). One of the most important risk factors is estrogen receptor positive (ER positive) or progesterone receptor negative (PR positive) breast cancer.

Targeted therapy

With more knowledge about gene alterations and how they contribute to cancer development, scientists are developing drugs that specifically target cancer cells. Since they primarily target cancer cells, they cause less side effects than chemotherapy, however, they are still commonly used in conjunction with chemotherapy.

Alternative therapy

Whenever there are serious consequences associated with an illness, doctors search for alternate treatments. As a patient or a family member of a patient, you may feel compelled to investigate every possible option. This strategy may harm patients by preventing them from taking advantage of existing, well-established treatments. Health care professionals and patients should discuss alternative treatment options, and the two should research the options together.


Under a microscope, a grade describes the appearance and the similarity of a cancer cell to normal cells.

It is possible that your doctor uses terminology such as “highly distinguished,” “moderately distinguished,” or “poorly distinguished.”. In pathology, cancer cells are examined for characteristics that can indicate their likelihood of spreading. These are some of them:

  • When cells form glands by arranging themselves in connection with one another (tubulin formation).
  • The degree to which they are similar to normal breast cells (the nuclear grade)
  • (The mitotic count) is the number of cells dividing at the same time

Low grade

(Grade 1) The cells have a similar appearance to normal breast cells and develop slowly. There are distinct characteristics to these tumors. When it comes to ductal cancer, the tubes are small, while they are arranged in cords in the case of lobular cancer. Despite the fact that they develop and spread slowly (prognosis), these tumours are considered to have a favorable prognosis.

Intermediate grade

(Grade 2) Cells in Grade 2 have a distinct appearance compared to normal breast cells. The differentiation between them is moderate. Consequently, the characteristics of the disease and the prognosis (prognosis) are not well separated.

High grade

(Grade 3) These are poorly differentiated tumors with aberrant characteristics; the cells look and grow differently from normal breast cells. Their propensity for spreading and growing quickly, along with their poor prognosis, makes them difficult to eradicate.

Tumors with low grades grow more slowly than tumors with high grades. When high-grade malignancies are treated, they have a higher chance of recurring. Grade, however, can only indicate how a particular cancer will behave, and different tumors will behave in different ways.

Survival rate 

Cancer survival rates provide doctors with useful information about the outlook and prognosis of their patients with cancer. One of the most frequently cited figures is five-year survival. A cancer patient’s chance of surviving at least five years after diagnosis is this percentage. There are many patients who live far longer than their expected lives, and still others die of causes unrelated to breast cancer. Due to the frequent change of therapies, these figures fluctuate. The current 5-year survival rate includes patients who were diagnosed at least 5 years ago and received a therapy that was different from those available today.

Despite the group results being described by the numbers, a single individual’s outcomes can vary widely, as with all statistics.

In order to evaluate these data oneself, one must account for all of these factors.

Stage five-year survival rate

0    100%


II     93%

III    72%

IV    22%

All patients diagnosed and reported in this manner are included in these figures. The results of several recent studies exploring race and survival data have discovered that African-American women in the same geographic area have a higher mortality (death rate) than white women.

1-4 stages

According to the World Health Organization, breast cancer can be classified into four stages. A malignancy of the breast that has made its way throughout the body. In this case, it is likely that cancer cells have penetrated the duct lining and invaded surrounding breast tissue.

Stage 0

DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) is treated with this drug. The cancer hasn’t yet spread to other parts of the body. There is no evidence that cancer cells have diffused beyond the breast ducts.

Stage 1

Breast cancer is a small, early-stage condition that affects only the breast tissue or its surrounding lymph nodes.

It is an early stage of breast cancer.

Stage 2

Breast cancer describes tumors that have invaded or spread to lymph nodes surrounding the breast, or both.

It is an early stage of breast cancer.

Stage 3

Stage 3 symptoms of breast cancer include spread to adjacent lymph nodes, the breast surface or the chest wall.

Breast cancer of this type is also known as locally advanced breast cancer.

Stage 4

When breast cancer has spread to other parts of the body, this is called “breast cancer”. There are many terms used to describe this type of cancer, including advanced cancer, metastatic cancer, and secondary cancer.


There are different types of breast cancer. Cancer has a higher prevalence in some places than in others, and some cancer types occur together. The following are some of the most frequent cancers:

Ductal carcinoma in situ

Noninvasive breast cancer (DCIS) is most common in ductal carcinomas in situ. A high cure rate can be achieved with this type of breast cancer since the cancer hasn’t spread.

Invasive ductal carcinoma

Breast milk ducts are the site of origin, but the cancer spreads to the surrounding tissue. The most prevalent type of cancer is breast cancer. About 80% of invasive breast cancers are caused by invasive ductal carcinoma.

Invasive lobular carcinoma

It is thought that breast cancer originates from the milk-producing glands of the breast. The proportion of invasive lobular carcinomas in breast cancer is about 10%.

Mucinous carcinoma

Murine mucus-producing cancer cells cause mucus to accumulate in the body. The cell types in mixed tumors are diverse.

Medullary carcinoma

The medullary carcinoma is characterized by well-defined borders between malignant and noncancerous tissues in breast cancer.

Inflammatory breast cancer

During the development of this type of cancer, the breast skin becomes red and heated (giving an appearance of infection). A blockage of lymph vessels is responsible for these alterations.

Tripe negative breast cancer

Invasive cancer subtype in which there is an overabundance of a specific protein (HER2) on the cells’ surfaces and no estrogen or progesterone receptors. Women who are younger and African-American women are more likely to have it.

Paget’s disease of the nipple

Oncologists say that this cancer is primarily found in the breast ducts and spreads to the nipple and surrounding tissue. The most common symptoms of breast cancer are crusting and redness.

Adenoid cystic carcinoma

The tumors in this category show both glandular and cystic characteristics. These cancers tend not to spread aggressively and have an acceptable prognosis.

Lobular carcinoma in situ

In this case, there are no cancerous cells; rather, a cluster of aberrantly proliferating cells. Breast cancer diagnosed at this stage is more likely to become invasive later on in life.

Tumor size 

An individual’s prognosis and treatment options depend on the size of the tumor during breast cancer staging. The chances of a tumor being smaller and therefore easier to cure are higher when doctors find it early.

The size of a person’s tumor is just one of many factors that are considered by doctors when staging breast cancer. All of these elements must be considered, regardless of whether the tumor has spread outside of the breast, the appearance of cancer cells, and the presence of hormone receptors.

A doctor determines the stage of cancer as part of their diagnostic process. In order to determine the stage of breast cancer, a variety of indicators are considered, including tumor size.

Different tests and tests are used by doctors to determine a person’s unique breast cancer characteristics. They use this information in order to assign values to the TNM staging system. 

  • T represents the size of the primary tumor.
  • The letter N denotes whether or not the malignancy has progressed to neighboring lymph nodes.
  • M stands for metastasis, which signifies that the cancer has spread to other places of the body.

On a scale of 0 to 4, there are four stages of cancer. Breast cancer that is still in its early stages and has not spread to other organs is called stage 0. This is an advanced stage of breast cancer where other parts of the body have been affected by the cancer.

The stage determines a person’s treatment options and prognosis for breast cancer, even though each case is unique.

Smaller tumors are more likely to occur in early-stage breast cancer patients. In later stages of breast cancer, when tumors are larger, treatment is more difficult.

The main breast cancer tumor is measured at its broadest position by doctors. The size is commonly expressed in millimeters (mm) or centimeters (cm).

Based on the American Cancer Society’s (ACS) recommendations, doctors use the following system to grade tumor size:

  • TX: Doctors are unable to examine the primary tumor.
  • T0: It doesn’t appear that there is a primary tumor, says the doctor.
  • T1: Approximately two centimeters (0.79 inches) is the diameter of the tumor.
  • T2: This tumor has a diameter greater than 2 cm (0.79 in), but less than 5 cm (1.97 in).
  • T3: There is a tumor larger than 5 centimeters (1.97 inches).
  • T4: No matter what size the tumor is, it must grow into the chest wall or the skin. Among these types of cancer are inflammatory breast cancers.

When it comes to assessing the stage of a person’s breast cancer, the size of the tumor is crucial. Healthcare experts, on the other hand, consider a variety of additional considerations, including:

  • Lymph nodes are involved
  • Whether the cancer has spread and its location
  • Status of the HER2 protein hormone receptors
  • cancerous cells’ look

Taking all of these factors into consideration, as well as the patient’s age, general health, and preferences, a doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment options.

A person with advanced breast cancer may need more treatment than someone with a more early-stage cancer. The prognosis for a person with breast cancer can be greatly improved if it is detected and treated early. Regardless of how you experience breast cancer, everyone’s journey is unique.


Cancer therapy involves delivering drugs directly to cancerous cells through the bloodstream. Intravenously or orally, these drugs may be administered.

Several factors and conditions can be treated with chemotherapy, including:

Adjuvant therapy

It is possible for cancer cells to break away or remain behind even after surgery had removed all visible cancer. When medical professionals make use of chemotherapy in addition to other methods, they are making sure that these small amounts of cells are also killed. It is not always necessary for doctors to prescribe chemotherapy because, depending on the kind of cancer and its characteristics, some women have a very low risk of recurrence even without it.

Neoadjuvant therapy

Health care professionals administer chemotherapy before surgery, which is called “neoadjuvant chemotherapy.” Whether the treatment is administered before or after surgery does not appear to make a difference in long-term survival; however, there are benefits to determining if the cancer responds to the therapy and shrinking the tumor before surgical removal.

Chemotherapy for advanced cancer

Patients who have cancer that has spread to distant parts of the body can undergo chemotherapy. Health care professionals must choose the appropriate treatment duration when dealing with metastatic breast cancer.

The drugs used in chemotherapy come in a variety of forms and can be taken alone or in combination. The medications are typically given in cycles, with specific treatment intervals followed by periods of rest in between. From one medicine to another, the length of the cycle and the rest periods differ.


Breast cancer is a disease that results from uncontrolled growth of breast cells. Cancers of the breast can take many forms. Depending on which breast cells become cancerous, a specific type of breast cancer is produced.

There is no one place in the breast where breast cancer starts. Among the three primary components of a breast are lymphoid tissue, ducts, and connective tissue. A lobule is the part of the gland responsible for generating milk. Breast cancer is a disease that results from uncontrolled growth of breast cells. Cancers of the breast can take many forms. 

There are many different places in the breast where breast cancer can start. In addition to spreading to other areas of the body, breast cancer can also spread through blood vessels. The term metastasis refers to a breast cancer spread to another part of the body.


A 90 percent five-year survival rate is achieved by women with invasive breast cancer with no metastatic spread. Ten-year survival rates are 84 percent for women with nonmetastatic invasive breast cancer. Women with invasive breast cancer that has only been detected in the breast have a survival rate of 99 percent after five years. 

Invasive breast cancer only affects the breast, so the 5-year survival rate for women with this disease is 99 percent. On average, 63 percent of breast cancer patients receive their diagnosis at this stage. The United States has noticed a decrease in early detection of breast cancer among adolescent and young adult females between the ages of 15 and 39, compared to women over 65 years of age (47 percent versus 68 percent). Perhaps this is because most women do not start getting screened for breast cancer until they turn 40, unless they are at an increased risk.

Emotional stages

It is frightening and can cause many emotions to be faced with a breast cancer diagnosis. Taking in the news may seem difficult at first, let alone believing it or accepting it. There could be no way that it was real. As if watching someone else’s life unfold in front of them, some people experience numbness, blankness, or stuntedness. Others are scared, sad, furious, or concerned.


When you’re diagnosed with breast cancer, dealing with the news can be draining. Often, overwhelm triggers numbness, shock, or disbelief, which are the symptoms of denial.

Denial is a natural reaction to a strange situation. It’s not something we always make a conscious decision to do. Denial can be a self-protective mechanism for regulating ourselves as we comprehend a traumatic incident.

If you lack energy or have difficulty moving forward with your breast cancer treatment plan as a result of shock or numbness, then you should let your healthcare team know.


It is common for people to be angry after being diagnosed with breast cancer and it is an important stage of mourning. You may feel angry during or after the course of your diagnosis or treatment.  If you encounter unexpected reactions from friends or family, or if a disease ruins your routine, you may become angry.

You might want to consider whether your own life circumstances are the source of your rage if you constantly get angry about things other than breast cancer.


A person’s mind may bargain after being diagnosed with breast cancer as a method of gaining control.

The key to coping with a breast cancer diagnosis is to remember that nothing could have prepared you for the diagnosis if you were thinking about what you could have and should have done. In your actions, there was nothing wrong.

Try to consciously settle into the present moment as much as you can: feel your feet on the floor, notice your surroundings, and observe your breath as it flows in and out of your nose. By keeping a present-oriented mindset, you can move out of the “what if” mode.


Breast cancer may be influenced by hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. During breast cancer growth, breast cancer cells are able to bind estrogen and progesterone to improve their growth. An alternative to hormone therapy is endocrine therapy, which prevents hormones from attaching to these receptors.


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