Coconut oil and cholesterol

Introduction: Coconut oil and cholesterol. Coconut oil is a versatile ingredient in your kitchen, and people have found several uses. It has recently become a preferred cooking oil for health-conscious people. 

It contains 15g of total fat per tablespoon, with about 12 of those fat grams coming from saturated fat. Ingesting too much-saturated fat in our diet can enhance our cholesterol level by raising low-density lipoprotein concentrations. Elevated LDL concentrations in the blood increase cardiovascular disease. 

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Beer in kidney stone

Introduction: Beer in kidney stone. Beer is a diuretic, and it helps you to produce more urine that causes you to excrete tiny stones. It helps in the passage of tiny stones less than 5mm because the size of the exit passage is 3mm.

Drinking in a usual way can be favorable. Strangely, red beer, white wine, and a few other beers can decrease a person’s chance of kidney stones. But consumption of too much beer can result in kidney stones. An indirect connection exists between alcohol and the kidney.

Let’s know more about beer in kidney stones.

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What Vegetables Are High In Uric Acid

Introduction: What Vegetables Are High In Uric Acid? Are you worried about your uric acid levels? This may be the case if you have hypothyroidism or kidney problems or are taking diuretics or immune-suppressing drugs. This can also happen if you are genetically predisposed to high uric acid levels or if you eat a lot of organ or game meat.

And if this is you, it’s essential to know that many foods are rich in uric acid. If you have high uric acid levels, talk to your doctor or nutritionist about possible dietary changes.

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