Introduction: Recovery from kidney stone surgery. Kidney stone surgery is common; the last chance to recover is when the stone is too large to pass through the urinary tract. It removes from the kidney through different surgery methods.
Surgery type depends on the size and location of the stone. This article will explore how you can expect recovery and useful tips during and after surgery.
Kidney stone is common due to poor water quality and food. Surgery is necessary for severe conditions. Lithotripsy and ureterostomy break the stone into small pieces and removes the body. You should take certain medications, care, and diet per the surgeon’s instruction. Let’s know more about Recovery from kidney stone surgery.
Types of kidney stone surgery
There are different types of kidney stone surgery, including
1:Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
This process involves using shock waves to break the stones into pieces that can pass through the urine.
It involves using a small scope to remove the stone from the urinary tract.
3:Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
This process involves making a small incision in the back to remove the stone from the kidney.
Recovery of kidney stone surgery
Kidney stone surgery is safe and effective; recovering takes some time. Here are the following tips before and after, and during the surgery process need to follow.
Pre-operative operation
Before undergoing typical surgery, you will undergo different tests to determine the size and location of the stone. You also determine the health issue which will affect the procedure. Patients must tell not to take any medicine and fast before the surgery.
Surgery needs general anaesthesia. It is unconscious in regional surgery; the exact affected areas are senseless.
Access to stone
The surgeon will make a small incision into the body and insert a small, thin, flexible tube called a ureteroscope. They insert a tube through the urethra and bladder into the ureter. When the stone is in the kidney, the surgeon makes a small incision in the back known as Nephrolithotomy. In this way, they access the stone.
Removal of stone
When surgeons detect the location of the stone, then they use different tools to break up the stone into smaller pieces. So it can pass through urine or extract whole through tools. It can be using laser energy, ultrasound, or other techniques.
Depending upon the size and location of the stone, use the small basket-like device to grab the pieces of stone and remove them from the body.
Stent placement
In certain cases, the surgeon may place a small tube called a stent in the ureter to help the urine flow is normal and prevent swelling after surgery. Then it will remove a few days after the surgery.
Post-operative care
After the surgery, the patient is under observation until the effects of anesthesia end. They give pain medication and instructions on caring for the incision site and managing discomfort and side effects.
Depending on the type of surgery, patients stay at a hospital or move home on the same day. It would help if you took many fluids so that any remaining piece of stone flows out of the body.
Physical activity
After kidney stone surgery, you need to rest so your body can heal. During this, you need not take uplifting heavy weight or hard activity. It would help if you avoided driving, operating heavy activity, or any engaging activity that gives you a red alert. Avoid all this until your doctor gives a green single.
After a few days, you can resume your activities but be careful about exerting overwork and burdening yourself. Taking care of your wounds is important so they may heal and not blood clot form. You can increase your activity level step by step.
Pain management
After the surgery, your doctor recommends certain medications, including painkillers and relievers. It would help if you took them in the prescribed amount. If your pain does not lessen, then visit your doctor.
After kidney stone surgery, you need to take care of your diet to prevent the toe formation of stones in the future. Your doctor instructs you to limit your food intake with many oxalates, like spinach, rhubarb, and beets. It would help to avoid taking animal protein and sodium, which may produce the stone.
It is important to take plenty of fluids to flush any remaining stone out of your body and keep it functioning well. You must take cranberry juice and supplements that help prevent urinary tract infections. Infection in the urinary tract lead to the formation of stone.
Follow up care
After the surgery, you have to visit your doctor for a follow-up so that he can check your healing process and give you further instructions. Your doctor can tell you to have an imaging test like an x-ray ultrasound to check the remaining fragments in the kidney.
You should also do a urine test for stone signs or abnormal kidney function. You should visit your doctor at every appointment and tell him about unusual changes like fever, chill, or pain.
Potential complication
Kidney surgery is very safe and successful, but you have to take care of certain complications which arise.
It is normal to have more bleeding after surgery, but great blood loss is a sign of a serious problem. If you face blood loss or blood clots after surgery, you must visit your surgeon.
Surgery can increase the risk of urinary tract infections. If you feel fever, chills, or any burning sensation during urination ten, visit your doctor.
If certain cases, you may have a blockage in the ureter while urination. In this case, you should visit your doctor.
Final word: Recovery from kidney stone surgery
There are different methods to remove the stone from the kidney. Different surgery like lithotripsy and ureterostomy has been performed to remove the when it does not pass through urine. Remove is necessary because it may damage the kidney and sometimes lead to kidney failure. During surgery, your doctor takes care of your health, blood loss, and unconsciousness.
He may tell you to follow up appointments, diet, observation after surgery, and side effects. If you have any symptoms like fever, chills, blood clots, or blood loss, you should visit your doctor and tell him the whole scenario. You should follow the prescription of your doctor to prevent future stones.
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