Beans are bad for uric acid. Let’s find out! Elevated levels of uric acid in the body mean you have to change your lifestyle completely. You have to start a diet and it is common to ask yourself: Are beans bad for my condition?
Gout patients are often given new instructions about the type of food they can eat. They are told to avoid meat, animal protein and even seafood. This is because they must reduce the consumption of purines that are the precursors of uric acid.
Even so, more foods tell them they can eat than those who mention that they can consume quietly. Beans are little named within the diet so it is common to have the doubt about whether it is good to eat them or not.
Today we will solve this great mystery!
Beans and Purina
Uric acid has purines as its main component. Once ingested through food, such as meat for example, purine metabolism is initiated which results in uric acid. In 2015 Arthritis Rheumatol published a study in which it was mentioned that foods that contain purine but are of plant origin may have a minor impact on the creation of uric acid.
Gout patients who used to eat beans were in better shape despite consuming a type of protein that was believed to have a negative impact on their condition. This led to a lot of research to determine what happened to the beans and purines. First, it was determined that the important thing is to regulate and limit purines from food rather than just restrict it.
Sources of purines, whether animal or vegetable, provide a certain amount of purines to the body that are used for the creation of uric acid. Therefore, the important thing is to be able to create a diet in which the beans consumed are regulated and provide a minimum amount of purines.
Amount of Purines in Beans
The supply of purines to the body will depend on the amount of beans consumed at a meal and during the day. For example, if you take a serving of 1⁄2 cup of already cooked beans, you would be talking about consuming between 19 – 75 milligrams of purine.
This amount of purine is considered low and suitable for consumption by people who suffer from problems with uric acid. We also recommend chickpeas because with them, a portion of 1/2 cup provides only 49 milligrams.
On the other hand, pinto beans provide 57 milligrams and red beans only 55 mg.
Are there beans not recommended to eat if you have high uric acid?
Lentils and oversized beans that come from the north are not recommended as they have more than 75 milligrams of purines per serving. This is considered a high portion that can alter uric acid levels in the body. Within this group can also include white beans, peas and also soybeans that have become popular lately.
Although this number of milligrams is low compared to the +100 milligrams brought by meat and fish, patients who should monitor their uric acid levels should make an effort to consume only those beans that are low in purine so as not to harm their health.
How many beans can I eat?
With 1 cup every 2 days is more than enough. If the person is also eating meat and fish, then it should balance with the amount of beans that will be included in the diet. 4 or 6 ounces of meat or fish is enough. Even if one day you eat meat, another day you can eat beans, that is, alternate them.
Contributions of Beans to the Body
At the calorie level, beans can be compared to meat but in terms of fiber, they are known to have at least 12 grams per serving. The fiber in beans is different in that it can be digested slowly and makes the person feel full for longer. In addition, they are also a low-sugar food so it prevents insulin from increasing abruptly and making the person hungry.
On the other hand, beans also have high levels of phytochemicals that are considered compounds found only in plants that provide a large amount of antioxidants. This favors cell turnover and also provides a low amount of purines so it collaborates with the health and satiety of patients with gout.
Beans are considered one of the most important foods within any diet because they help with the feeling of fullness. It is common to observe how in the eating plans of patients with gout, small red beans are included along with pinto beans.
Evidence has shown that purine levels are largely unaffected by bean serving consumption. The symptoms of gout can even be progressively reduced thanks to the fact that you would not be consuming large sources of purines because only the portion of beans is enough.
If you are looking for a nutritional alternative to replace meat since you are a gout patient, you should consider including beans there as they can help you feel better or stabilize your droplet symptoms and reduce episodes.
Other Considerations: Beans Are Bad for Uric Acid
Sugar consumption can cause uric acid to rise and symptoms such as pain and malaise to return. Even though you’re eating beans, we suggest you regulate foods like meat on weekdays and daily sugar.
You must take care of your diet and also follow the treatment so that your uric acid levels can decrease or simply not increase.
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